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Day: February 27, 2024

How to Achieve Holistic Health and Wellness

How to Achieve Holistic Health and Wellness

Achieving holistic health and wellness is quite a different concept when compared to the current healthcare system’s approach of managing diseases by treating symptoms. At best, this conventional approach offers a temporary respite from annoying or even painful symptoms. Yet relieving symptoms usually does not address their cause, and most importantly, the absence of symptoms […]

10 Basic Nutrition Tips We Should Be Teaching Our Children (& Reminding Ourselves Of)

10 Basic Nutrition Tips We Should Be Teaching Our Children (& Reminding Ourselves Of)

Children learn about what to eat from their parents and other family members. Food is vital for our survival but it also reflects our culture. Our experiences and interactions with other cultures opens up a bounty of new recipes, new foods and new ways to celebrate those important milestones of our life’s journey. That said, […]

Rogue Rage Episode #1Warning: Delayed Diagnosis Ahead

Going rogue or leaving conventional medicine was a no-brainer. Time and time again, I had evidence that our healthcare system was not just ineffective in helping women with chronic diseases and obesity; it was flat out broken! More often than men, women suffer from things like delayed diagnosis, misdiagnosis, and are not heard or are […]